The ring is a token of love and a sign of commitment of two people. We are therefore very happy to show you our brandnew ring collection. We have about 40 new, exciting ring in our SHOE Pride Shop. Say more than a thousand words with a partner ring...
News SHOE Shop: Say more than a Thousand Words with a Commitment Ring
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 17:47
The Secret SHOE Bag Society - Become a Member Now ;-)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 - 18:22
The one and only Secret SHOE Bag Society - Become a Member Now! It's so easy to join! Order one of the exclusive and limited SHOE Bags and you are in! There are only 20 of those SHOE Bags worldwide and only a few left. Take your chance NOW and get your Bag with certificate.
SHOE History Bag: Own a Piece of SHOE History
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 - 17:21
Update: You can now order online!! WOW!!! How cool is that? You have now the chance to own a piece of SHOE history. Totally exclusive, totally limited!! Our very own and very unique SHOE History Bag!
10% Discount in our SHOE Pride Shop: Pride Saison 2012 has now started
Friday, May 25, 2012 - 15:05
Yes, Pride Season 2012 has now officially started in our SHOE Pride Shop. We are celebrating with you all around the world by offering an amazing 10% discount on all items.
SHOE Chat goes mobile! Chat with your friends on your mobile phone!
Friday, May 25, 2012 - 15:05
The new release of our SHOE Chat is now available! You can now chat anywhere using your iPhone, Android phone or Tablet PC... The SHOE Chat is now working on ALL devices.
Our SHOE Chat is now Mobile!
Zurich Pride Festival: SHOE Shop attends for the very last time after 15 Years
Thursday, May 3, 2012 - 18:34
On June 15th and 16th we will once again celebrate the annual Zurich Pride Festival. As always, you will find our big blue TOTALLY GIRL POWERED tent covered with Pride items at the festival site. But this time... for the very last time.
SHOE Pride Shop: We need Space! Now up to 80% Discount
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - 13:02
We need Space!!! Now up to 80% discount on selected items! Yes, you have read it right. We need space! Help us, please ;-) Therefore we are offering up to 80% discount on selected items. Hurry! Offer is limited!!! Get them while they are HOT! Only while stocks last -- Click here ---
SHOE Member Feature: Tree Hugging
Saturday, April 14, 2012 - 12:11
Spring is here so we'll all be leaving our houses, our computers to enjoy the weather, so why not hug a tree! Tree Hugging - More than a hippy invention!
Our brandnew SHOE Chat - Now with Video Chat!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 14:13
How exciting is this? We have launched our brandnew - better than ever before - SHOE Chat. Now you are even able to Video Chat! Take a look at all the fancy features this chat offers:
Our new SHOE Chat
Have you met your best friend or the love of your life on SHOE? Let us know!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 - 12:36
Since the launch back in 1997 SHOE has brought together many, many, many, maaaany of women all around the world. Not just in the virtual world but even more importantly also in reality.
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